
Transitioning to Online Teaching: Part Three

December 15, 2020

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Transitioning to Online Teaching: A Changed Landscape in Education

In our third webinar of the Transitioning to Online Teaching series, the CSD Learns' team introduces themselves and shares insight into their work and why you should take an interest!

Topics of discussion included:

  • The CSD Learns Story
  • A Discussion on Educational Technology
  • Educator Resources

Watch the video below, or keep reading to learn a bit more about what was covered.  

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Panelists: Brian Milburn, Program Manager; Megan Klusza, Learning and Transition Manager; Keith Delk, Digital Media Specialist; and Jazzy Jones, Digital Producer for CSD Learns. 

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Reframing "different strokes for different folks."

It can be a challenge to meet students' learning needs in one classroom with different backgrounds, abilities, and proficiency levels. Engaging these students requires a lot of time and modification, that teachers sometimes don't have. One way to introduce complicated subject matter in a manner most students can immediately relate to is by exposing them to adults with similar backgrounds or parallel experiences. Because of their shared experiences, role models have the ability to break down the topics in a manner accessible to your students. Whether inviting a guest speaker to class or hosting career day, prioritize diversity and inclusion of professionals from all walks of life because they may or may not mirror that of your students. 

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Representation matters!

There's nothing like seeing yourself represented on screen, or in the classroom, or in leadership. It's powerful to learn that opportunities you never dreamed of are possible just because someone with a similar background has opened those doors. Deaf students do not often get the chance to see themselves represented in advanced research or technical fields. CSD Learns acmes to change this by introducing Deaf STEM-ists who have achieved the impossible; the difference it makes is clear.

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I had a student who wanted to be an astronaut for many months. Then he told me his mom told him Deaf people couldn't go to space. I told him this wasn't true, but he still seems unconvinced.  Now he has seen a real Deaf person who works for NASA.

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Teachers lack time AND resources.   

According to a recent CSD Learns survey, 77% of middle school teachers surveyed rarely or have not exposed D/HH STEM role models to their deaf students. The majority of those cited not having enough time to prep STEM-related instruction as one of the reasons. Each of the surveyed participants reported that D/HH role models made students more invested in STEM learning.

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Take advantage of free classroom content available at CSD Learns!

CSD Learns provides a variety of STEM toolkits perfect for K-12 educators. Additional financial education resources are available for older students, especially young adults transitioning to "the real world." No matter which stage of their journey, our story-based, role-model-centered approach has been proven to engage young learners.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the CSD Learns' network and have skills as one of the following please contact us today:

  • Curriculum developer
  • STEM expert
  • Video editor
  • Zoom Webinar Support Crew

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Be sure to sign up to receive updates from us about our upcoming webinars! You don't want to miss them!

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CSD Learns aims to create equity and give the community resources for self-improvement and advocacy. The program’s goal is to provide equity for deaf people in the workplace and give people the tools for self-improvement and autonomous social mobility. By providing self-paced online courses with visual and auditory paths for interaction, we ensure that people from all intersections can engage with our content and build their own pathways to success. CSD Learns’ courses can be accessed by any individual, school, or organization at no cost.
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